The gaming industry has been evolving for decades, as innovations in technology continue to facilitate processes and enrich user experience. However, the advent of crypto and especially blockchain applications have taken the experience at online casinos to another level, both for customers and for operators. The decentralized applications that platforms like Funtech’s CoinGames are pioneering will revolutionize the gaming sector: let’s see how.

Decentralized applications have led to the establishment and evolution of crypto casinos and other platforms where registered users can benefit from a variety of facilitations, such as easing fund distribution and the lack of any third-party intermediaries processing transactions. By using blockchain technology, casino operators and developers can provide users with increased levels of privacy, accessibility, faster processes and innovative features, among other perks.

Blockchain applications permit users in online crypto casinos to not share sensitive personal or payment data (such as card numbers etc) since transactions are made via crypto wallets, or cryptographic addresses, and are therefore, essentially, anonymous. In addition, the fact that transactions are recorded and publicly available ensures that no centralized entity has control or is overseeing who and what users are betting on.

In these platforms, there is also a reduced risk of manipulation as Random Number Generators (RNG) can be proven fair. Moreover, blockchain ledgers — along with the smart contracts that facilitate numerous processes — cannot be altered. This means that, when a user deposits, their funds are safe until withdrawal, and cannot be tampered with by anyone.

As more platforms seek to adopt blockchain technology and decentralize their entire framework, online gambling will become a securer activity, and with facilitated and more rapid transaction processes, an increasing amount of users will migrate to projects like CoinGames, where their experience is put at the forefront.