In recent years, blockchain businesses and enterprises have entered a phase of profound innovation and evolution, as has the technology itself. It is therefore unsurprising that demand for blockchain and cryptocurrency-related courses at higher levels of education, such as universities, has also skyrocketed in that same time frame. Certificates in blockchain technology are today an amazing way of opening new doors in a person’s occupational life, and since those skills are in high demand, they will also encounter various benefits along the way such as higher salaries, and shorter corporate ladders to climb, as indicated in an article by TechTarget.  

Crypto education is therefore becoming a vital part of decentralized finance and its various applications, as new enterprises are on the lookout for potential employees with a skillset and knowledge range that not many have yet acquired, as several universities and courses are still developing a suitable and coherent blockchain-related syllabus due to its innovative traits. Therefore, this article will indicate why crypto courses such as those in the CoinGames Academy, and those found in many top universities around the globe, can benefit you in the long term. 

When, in 2022, the crypto space experienced an advanced level of turmoil due to, among others, the TerraUSD and FTX debacles, the negative effects expanded to traditional financial institutions as well, meaning the two worlds are now inextricably linked together. According to an article by Crypto.News published earlier this year, this demonstrates that blockchain education should be reserved for all those who wish to enter the financial services sector, not just those interested in crypto per se. This is an excellent observation, and one that universities worldwide are taking note of by starting to offer crypto-related courses to their pupils. 

People are also taking notice that crypto education is quickly becoming a vital component for the future of finance. Indeed, according to a poll by, over two thirds of American parents and students knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies believe the topic should be taught mandatorily in schools. This perspective is just one of the main reasons why blockchain courses are being introduced at higher levels of education. Especially for new users, level one crypto education, where the basics are learned, can lead them to have greater interest in investing in these assets, as one wouldn’t typically invest in something totally obscure to them. Crypto courses, in addition to outlining how the inherent blockchain technology works, are also a “safety bet” by pupils and investors, as they clarify the risks involved, such as the assets’ high volatility rates, regulatory legislatures, and are also useful in distinguishing scams from verified enterprises. 

Another factor that has led to an increase in crypto-educational demands has been the fact that leading companies like Cisco, Oracle, Google and others are actively seeking to hire individuals with a background in crypto to help them innovate the financial sphere with innovative blockchain technologies and products. And keep in mind, learning about crypto and blockchain is not something that is limited to universities: there are many online and in-person courses one can take even if at an advanced age. One such course is the CoinGames Academy, which will teach you about blockchain technology, but also about the gameification of digital assets like NFTs, an innovative feature of blockchain gaming that is exponentially increasing in popularity. Come on over and join us if you are looking for an easy-to-understand introduction to the basics of crypto!