Japanese gaming giant Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed for a patent that would allow its users to transfer NFTs between games and even consoles. The original application had been submitted in September 2021 in the United States but was only published last week. The move would allow Sony’s users to create a standardized NFT digital infrastructure along all its video game platforms, most of all on the Play Station. Players would have access to an innovative Web3 gameplay experience that would allow them to collect NFTs as they complete in-game achievements and tournaments. 

This is a big move for the Web3 sphere, as Sony claimed at the end of 2022 to have over 112 million PlayStation users worldwide that could potentially be involved in NFT in-game transfers and more. The move also comes as no surprise, since Sony had already teamed up with blockchain network Astar in February “to create an incubation program for companies focused on building NFTs”, according to CoinDesk