In the cryptocurrency market where most transaction costs are governed over by fees paid to miners for the services offered as a decentralized registry, our CoinGames project wanted to choose a blockchain which would guarantee that our users would have the greatest possible amount of advantages before, during and after playing. That is why we chose to base our operations on the Binance Smart Chain network, or BNB chain. And why is that? Because the Binance Smart Chain is essentially the framework of operations on which all the main advantages we can offer registered users can be derived, from cheap transaction costs to much faster transaction speeds and others.
One of the BSC’s main benefits for our CoinGames platform is the fact that its transaction speed is much quicker than that of other networks. This feature makes it a very fast network with execution levels not reachable by other blockchains, making it easier for users on our crypto casino to play more and spend less time worrying about when, or even if, their transactions would be confirmed.
Another positive trait of building our platform on the BSC is the cheaper transactions that it presents: in the CoinGames ecosystem, following the decentralized launch in early January, users will have to carry out transfers and/or withdrawals of DEGA tokens towards BNB, and vice versa. Thanks to the BNB chain, the cost of such transactions for our players is much lower than that of other blockchains: for example, in times of peak use of the Ethereum network, the BSC has guaranteed its users a thousand times cheaper transaction fees, making it much more appetible to prospective users. BSC is also totally transparent, making CoinGames a “safe space” where users can verify and check all previous transactions with no limitations, as the BSC is a safe and “democratic” framework that does not rely on a single entity to guarantee safety and transparency.
Therefore, thanks to our very apt decision to base the CoinGames building block on the Binance Smart Chain, our crypto casino offers users much faster transaction speeds than other platforms can, facilitating “fund transferring” processes for all our users, whether it pertains to deposits or withdrawals. This is also a time-saving effort that gives players the chance to focus more on what they like, playing on CoinGames, rather than worrying about whether their funds will be left in limbo.